Data Model Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset
In this article, I want to share a tutorial Business Intelligent Tool: Tableau with open-source data at This tutorial needs Tableau for Public and also data set that you can download from
There are several objectives from this article, there are :
- Showing the data model from dataset to relationship at Tableau
- Describing the most seller’s state location based on geographical data
- Showing the top three seller’s state location based on bar chart
Here is the data model from the kaggel’s site :
After download the data set, first, create a data model at Tableau based on the scheme above (note the purple data do not connect with the red data)
Furthermore, after the data model has been created, the first thing is to check the longitude data and fix it to longitude data at Tableau
Then, move the geographical data long and lat move to columns and rows. Move to sales state to the column to know the different states between the sales among the state. It can be seen from the map that the orange dot has more boldness than the other state. It’s indicated that the orange dot has the biggest proportion of seller id.
Lastly, to strengthen the geographical data, author use bar chart to know the top three of seller’s state in Brazil. There are SP, PR, and MG.