Defining How Might We for topic “Help The User to not be Overwhelmed with Covid-19 Information”
More than a year after the pandemic began, Indonesia has the highest number of COVID-19 cases and the highest mortality rate in Southeast Asia, and is still struggling with the disorganized management of COVID-19 data. According to latest media report, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are more prevalent than official figures. According to the report, 15% of Indonesians have already been infected with the coronavirus, which is much higher than the 0.4% estimated by government data. At the beginning of the Pandemic, Indonesian President Joko “Djokovic” Widodo admitted that his administration had decided not to disclose all details to avoid panic. Maritime Investment Coordination Minister Luhut Binsar Panjayitan also acknowledged discrepancies in health data between central and local governments. One of the problems regarding people accessing Covid-19.
Here the case that Indonesian millennial citizen who want to access data Covid-19 and also update policy in Indonesia.
Starting to explore the secondary data provided by media the insight :
- The government does not give clear accurate data regarding Covid-19 issues. (before PeduliLindungi exist)
- There are their main problems due to inaccuracy Covid-19 in Indonesia, first separated apps. Second, duplicated data entry. And lastly, gap of competence in human resources.
Further the insight the picture below that the regulation always chance and during the year the policies to handle the pandemic have always changed from PSBB, micro PSBB, PPKM and micro PPKM
Based on little research that I conduct to support the secondary data I found several insight.
- 60% feel overwhelmed with COVID-19 information
- 50% do not trust with COVID-19 Data
- 80% confused with Government Regulation
Based on previous research and got several insight I got the persona with fictional character name Iqbal and describe his Need, Like, Frustration and Dislike that present in this picture below.
Based on the previous data I created Point of View that can be seen from picture below.
The Problem Statment
Indonesian millennial citizen who want to access data Covid-19 and also update policy in Indonesia
need to access trustable information regarding Covid-19 update and guidance policy for specific user /job role due to government always update policy based on Covid-19 update in Indonesia
The result of this research is I found how might we help the user to not be overwhelmed with Covid-19 Information which can be seen from the picture below.