Study Case: Revamping Ideation for PeduliLindungi

Junialdi Dwijaputra
5 min readOct 22, 2021



PeduliLindung is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in carrying out tracking procedures to curb the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). This application relies on community participation to share location data to enable contact history tracing with COVID-19 sufferers. Users of this application will also receive a notification if they are in a crowded area or are in a red zone, namely an area or a village where people infected with COVID-19 or patients under surveillance have been identified. (source:

Based on Covid-19 data on 30 August 2021, the application’s user number has reached 32,8 million with user growth rate of 500.000/ day and 13,6 million active users daily. After analysing its customer journey, I discovered that PeduliLindungi is one of the best tools which provides Indonesians with the updated Covid-19 information released by the Indonesia Government and successfully helps users access trusted and reliable information.

Considering the need to further improve ‘Info Penting’ feature at PeduliLindungi to Covid-19 information, this ideation is not only derived from user journey research that contains the opportunity to improve the application, but also from an important benchmark, namely WHOA application, which features educational information related to Covid-19.

Conceptual Research Framework

The first thing I that I always attempt before designing UI and conducting research is to understand the relationship between one method and the others. First, I would create a flow chart to learn all existing features as well as features to be created. Subsequently, a User Flow would be devised to detail the user journey into the desired design. Afterwards, a low — high fidelity wireframe would be created to detail the user flow. Finally, we would conduct usability testing with 5 respondents in the hope of achieving SUS Score of higher than 69 and finalize the process with a report.

Flow Chart

The below flow chart illustrates the onboarding process of the PeduliLindungi application and focuses on the Covid-19 information feature to be improved. The resume of this flow chart can be viewed from user flow in the next section which focuses on tackling the user problems that were previously discovered.

User Flow, Wireframe & Prototype

From user’s point of view, valid information related to Covid-19 is needed to adjust personal activities accordingly. The following user flow appears when a user accesses the menu through navigation bar (button bar) and on the Information Page of Peduli Lindungi, a user would be presented with information such as Covid-19 literature and Covid-19 video

Step 1: User Flow

Step 2: Low-Fi Wireframe

Step 3: Hi-Fi Wireframe

Step 4: Prototype

From a user’s point of view, PPKM-related Information is important to enable an individual to adapt to the regulations and the associated changes over time. The following user flow appears when a user accesses the main menu on Information Page at Peduli Lindungi and information such as PPKM, Syarat PPKM, Berita Terkini, and Lindungi Aku would be presented.

Step 1: User Flow

Step 2: Low-Fi Wireframe

Step 3: Hi-Fi Wireframe

Step 4: Prototype

Usability Testing

How can we pursue outside activities without being afraid of violating PPKM regulations?

Target respondents: Individuals who are required to work from the office (WFO) or to move in 3C locations (Closed Spaces, Crowded Places, Close Contacts) when PPKM regulations are applied, aged 18–40 years and located in Greater Jakarta area.

Research method: Usability Testing

Guest Users : 2 moderated respondents + 9 unmoderated respondents

Tasks :

Usability Testing Insights

The moderated usability testing demonstrated the features that respondents like, such as the integration of news within the application as well as promptly-updated PPKM information due to quick changes in the regulations. Respondents expressed dislike of the color of the button bar or navigation on the application and the ideation for vaccination information. The new ideation was introduced along with the PCR test and region zone integration to the application.


SUS Score

The System Usability Scale (SUS) was invented by John Brooke, who in 1986 developed a “quick and dirty” usability scale to evaluate virtually any types of systems. The average SUS value of the 500 studies is 68. A SUS score of higher than 68 would be considered above average and any value below 68 as below average. The best way to interpret the score is to convert it to a percentile rank through a process called normalization. Based on quantitative research , the final SUS was 84.

System Grid and Priority

To sum up, I created a system grid illustrated in the figure below. From this study, news & PPKM integration into PeduliLindungi application appears to succeed and are approved by respondents. I also received feedback to improve the button bar design and some ideations were also captured for future consideration. Based on MSCW priority, the button bar would be prioritised first based on the result of usability testing.



Junialdi Dwijaputra
Junialdi Dwijaputra

Written by Junialdi Dwijaputra

Product Management, UX Researcher, Gamification

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